Papers submission
All authors should have got notification about abstracts acceptance and hopefully the authors are already working on their final paper. Paper submissions must be a electronic copy of a Microsoft Word Document as well as pdf version made in Word. The maximum file size of the uploaded document is approx 8 Mb or 8 pages (it was increased by 2 pages from original plan in the letter sent out and are now 8 pages) .
Papers submission is now open and shall be submitted by the same system as the abstracts and the author shall use same username and password. The guidelines and template for papers are now available and full paper for reviewing shall be submitted latest 30th of October. For any questions contact: [email protected]
Paper submission might still be possible, if you are interested and have paper, contact: [email protected]
All authors should have got notification about abstracts acceptance and hopefully the authors are already working on their final paper. Paper submissions must be a electronic copy of a Microsoft Word Document as well as pdf version made in Word. The maximum file size of the uploaded document is approx 8 Mb or 8 pages (it was increased by 2 pages from original plan in the letter sent out and are now 8 pages) .
Papers submission is now open and shall be submitted by the same system as the abstracts and the author shall use same username and password. The guidelines and template for papers are now available and full paper for reviewing shall be submitted latest 30th of October. For any questions contact: [email protected]
Paper submission might still be possible, if you are interested and have paper, contact: [email protected]
When submitting paper, you click on edit when you are in your abstract registration and add your files there.
Abstract submission
The ECSMGE embraces all aspects of geotechnical engineering. Therefore, we welcome authors from various fields and at various career stages. The conference welcomes submissions demonstrating scientific advancement, technical innovation, challenges and management of geotechnical engineering projects.
Geotechnical engineering covers a wide ground, including structures and infrastructures, environmental, social and economic sustainability, preservation, natural landscape, geo-energy and, last but not least, effective measures for the mitigation of natural geo-hazards through the use of geotechnical engineering knowledge, tools and skills.
The ECSMGE embraces all aspects of geotechnical engineering. Therefore, we welcome authors from various fields and at various career stages. The conference welcomes submissions demonstrating scientific advancement, technical innovation, challenges and management of geotechnical engineering projects.
Geotechnical engineering covers a wide ground, including structures and infrastructures, environmental, social and economic sustainability, preservation, natural landscape, geo-energy and, last but not least, effective measures for the mitigation of natural geo-hazards through the use of geotechnical engineering knowledge, tools and skills.
Procedure for submission of abstracts and papers
Abstract submission will be open from January 15th until May 5th 2018. There will be no limitation on numbers of submitted abstracts from the National Societies. All abstracts (and later papers) must be submitted through the conference website by the corresponding author for each paper. Following submission the COC will forward all abstracts and later papers to the Scientific Committee (SciC) national members. Further information are on following links: Thems for abstracts, European Regional TC and International TC
Abstract submission will be open from January 15th until May 5th 2018. There will be no limitation on numbers of submitted abstracts from the National Societies. All abstracts (and later papers) must be submitted through the conference website by the corresponding author for each paper. Following submission the COC will forward all abstracts and later papers to the Scientific Committee (SciC) national members. Further information are on following links: Thems for abstracts, European Regional TC and International TC
Themes for astracts and papers
The main topics are divided in following six main categories and 22 subcategories:
A: Modelling and experimental assessment of geomaterials
B: Geotechnical construction and soil improvement
C: Geohazards, earthquakes and mitigation
D: Environment, water and energy
E: Historical heritage preservation
F: Special and specific Issues
A: Modelling and experimental assessment of geomaterials
B: Geotechnical construction and soil improvement
C: Geohazards, earthquakes and mitigation
D: Environment, water and energy
E: Historical heritage preservation
F: Special and specific Issues
A: Modelling and experimental assessment of geomaterials
A.1. Investigation by laboratory tests
Equipment, apparatus, procedures, interpretation and parameters representativeness and reliability.
A.2. Investigation by in situ tests
Equipment, apparatus, Intrusive tests, geo-physical tests, procedures, validation, interpretation and parameter representativeness and reliability.
A.3. Physical modelling and large scale tests
Model tests, centrifuge tests, load tests, well tests, equipment, apparatus, procedures, validation, interpretation and parameter representativeness and reliability.
A.4. Theoretical modelling
Analytical, numerical, continuous approach, discrete element approaches, constitutive laws, applicability, reliability, effectiveness and validation.
A.5. Design parameters
Identification, selection, limit states, regulations, rules and guidelines.
B: Geotechnical construction and soil improvement
B1. Foundations, excavations and earth retaining structure
Shallow and deep foundations, retaining and diaphragms wall, basements, deep excavations, tunnels and temporary works.
B.2. Slopes stabilization and earthworks
Cut slopes, earthworks and embankments, dams, tailings dams, dykes and levees, slope failure repair and remediation.
B.3. Ground reinforcement and ground improvement
Soil reinforcement, ground anchors, geosynthetics, grouting, densification, thermal treatment (artificial ground freezing), bio-chemical geotechnics and other forms of ground treatment.
B.4. Structures and infrastructure
Roads, highways and railways; bridges; tunnels; canals and waterways, power lines and pipelines, mega cities and smart cities.
B.5. Near shore and offshore structures and the marine environment
Flood barrages, sea breakwater, piers, estuarine airports, ports, dredging, coastal defences, undersea pipelines, and oil and gas extraction installations.
C: Geohazards, earthquakes and mitigation
C.1. Landslides and other solid flows
Slow earth and rock movements, natural slopes, debris flows, mudflows, rock falls, snow and ice avalanches, volcanoes, hazard and risk evaluation and mapping, disaster response and recovery, effects of climate and associated global changes.
C.2. Earthquake engineering and soil dynamics
Identifications and characterization of seismic areas and dynamic soil properties, liquefaction, hazard and risk mapping, disaster response and recovery.
C.3. Floods, erosion and scours
Effects of climate and associated global change, river and sea floods, tsunami, sea level change, subsidence, scour, sinkholes, cavities by anthropomorphically-induced events.
C.4. Hazard and risk management
Vulnerability and fragility of buidlings and infrastructure to hazards and hazard and risk management and mitigation.
D: Environment, water and energy
D.1. Environmental geotechnics
Waste management, landfill design, reused/recycled materials, sustainability, contaminated land, active and passive barriers for contaminant control, coupled flow of mass and energy in fine grained soils, environmental risk analysis.
D.2. Groundwater and hydrology
Groundwater modelling, groundwater abstraction and recharge, hydraulic barriers, groundwater treatment, dewatering, changes in groundwater regime.
D.3. Energy, incl. geothermal energy
Geothermal energy, heat ground source, heat pumps, energy piles, tunnel linings and other underground constructions for energy storage and optimized exploitation, wind farms and wind turbines, carbon dioxide sequestration, tidal and wave power generation.
E: Historical heritage preservation
E.1. Investigation, characterization and testing
Interactions and cooperation among the experts of the different skills, soil, foundation and structure investigation and characterization, modelling of soil, foundation and structure interactions.
E.2. Case histories
Historic buildings, monuments, retrofitting, reinforcement and reuse, archaeology.
F: Special and specific Issues
F.1. Problematic materials and environments
Glacigenic and periglacial materials, peats, aeolian deposits, natural muds and muds from industrial waste, collapsing soils, swelling soils, weak rocks, permafrost and loss of permafrost, and tropical soils and highly weathered materials, unsaturated soils.
F.2. Developments and innovations
in geotechnical engineering, education and practice |
Codes and standards (e.g. EC7 and EC8), BIM, GIS, smart instrumentation, engineering and project risk assessment, management and mitigation, stakeholder collaboration, interactive design (observational method), safety and serviceability, environmental impact assessment, educational development, retraining and e-learning.
F.3. Forensic geotechnical engineering
Geotechnical failures and criminology including case histories.